“Dimmer-Switch” Policy Response to COVID-19
As the nation takes steps towards normal operations, Kingdom City Houston is taking steps to adjust its operation, taking into consideration regional and local policies and regulations. Easing strict social distancing rules should be done on a systematic, progressive basis. Kingdom City Houston is utilizing what we call a “Dimmer-Switch Phase.” The transition is going to be mindful of requirements the facility and congregation must follow to serve its members and abide by CDC and Harris County health guidelines.
This memorandum prescribes steps to reopening with a start date of 17 May 2020 (some congregations may wish to delay reopening until a later date); allow flexibility as we monitor Harris County’s guidance and policies. Facility usage is limited only to the live streaming and/or pre-recording of Sunday services.
The scope of this policy includes all personnel, Pastors, and Leaders of the congregations in Kingdom City Houston. The scope includes the staff of KCH, as well as volunteers from each ministry within the congregations.
Be informed; stay up to date on risks of COVID-19. The information acquired can help each congregation make the best decision on staffing, volunteers, and means of transmitting service
Stay in constant communication with members of the body. Disseminate information from the top-down, provide doors of communication for members to use in the event they need to reach out to their church
Notifying the KCH facility manager of any ongoing activity in KCH is a requirement. Communication of all activity prevents KCH from exceeding maximum capacity allowed per Harris County’s social distancing policies. Appropriate forms of communication: email, phone, or face-to-face
Preparing Kingdom City Houston
In order to prepare KCH for gradual reopening, the KCH staff/hired personnel will do the following:
Use chemicals and disinfectants as directed and allow proper time to dry. (Trained personnel will be hired, meeting the expectations set forth by the Facility Manager.)
Store away items such as bibles, pens, information cards (to reduce any risk of spread)
Signage redirecting traffic to the designated church entrance, promoting no contact and outlining symptoms to promote awareness also with instruction for sick employees, volunteers and guest to stay home
Encouraging Pastors to communicate that all attendees who are 65 and above to stay home and watch the services online. Also, asking all attendees who have an underlying at-risk health condition to stay home and watch services online if provided.
Laying out six feet apart recommendations provided with proper markings starting on sidewalks with continuance throughout the facility
Side doors are the only means of entrance into the facility for members attending service onsite
Close off areas to limit people wandering in the facility (i.e., café area, kitchen, children’s area, classroom, and second floor)
Before the start of each service, the seating arrangement is going to follow the social distancing guidelines, providing a section for singles and families. Ensuring families sit with their family unit.
Refraining from passing collection plate/buckets, providing instead a central location for collection while encouraging online giving (if provided)
Restroom access limited to one person at a time; signage and instructions provided
Dismissal of congregants will be conducted by the family unit or section, utilizing the proper six feet distancing
Main Sanctuary and Worship Center will both follow the same guidelines set forth by this memorandum
Media Equipment/Personnel
Media team will wear KCH Media Team badge at all times when the facility is in use by congregations
Media equipment only handled by identified media personnel; the maintenance and sanitization of hardware only directed by the media point of contacts (Kara Moats, Kenneth Devon or personnel appointed)
Ushers/Greeters/Parking Guides
Trained on communication on the policy response provided by KCH.
Will wear a mask when serving in the facility
Have every congregant sanitize hands and put on a face mask before entering the building.
Will have then the responsibility to enforce the policy and procedures set by KCH for their direct congregation only
Will have access to mask and any sanitization material needed in the event of an emergency for the use of their congregation as needed (upon availability)
Cleaning Personnel
Trained cleaning personnel will exercise communication per the policy response provided by KCH.
For scheduling and sanitization purpose, cleaning will be limited to one hour before or after service
Sanitize all seats, door handles, doors, floors after EVERY use
Sanitize/clean restrooms after every service
Dissemination of Information
Leaders and staff of Kingdom City Houston will continue to stay vigilant and communicate any protocols not followed by the “Dimmer-Switch” policy. Also, a clear and comprehensive communication strategy from the KCH council to all the churches has been established to share decisions, mindful of those who may be the most vulnerable in any of the congregations or ministries. Communication must be directed by a point of contact to the facility manager, in the event a service is cancelled.
Promoting Safe and Calm Space
Leaders can help educate and calm fears, providing information about risk assessment and best prevention practices. For example, sharing recommended CDC guidelines and practices to combat the spreading of the virus. Methods of sharing can happen in service announcements, informational email, KCH website, and ministry gatherings.
The policy will be updated and replaced when necessary. It will become obsolete when Harris County and KCH council has determined member's safety is no longer at risk.
Point of contact for this policy is the KCH Executive Director, Operations, Pastor Wayne Park at wayne@kingdomcityhouston.com